Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Story vs Game

I'm on the horns of dilemma ... part of me wants to focus on doing what I must to get ready to host an RPG (role playing game) using a combination of some story ideas I have and the new D&D Next system.  But another part of me wants to focus exclusively on a more novel-like project, where I focus exclusively on the story and leave any thoughts of hosting the story as a game for another day.  And just when I think I've convinced myself "Aha! I've got it ... I'm going to X first ..." the next day comes and I start thinking perhaps I'd be better off to go the opposite direction.

Why is this so hard for me?  Because no matter which path I choose, I'll have fun doing what I'm doing, I'll be creating something I enjoy and can share with others ... BUT ... I'll also know that I'm missing out on advantages to having chosen the opposite approach, no matter which way I pick.

Logic seems to argue for focusing on my story first.  The guts of D&D Next aren't going to change any time soon, and when I'm ready to run my story through it, I can do that.  Tons of the material I generate while writing a book will serve as great extras to share during an RPG of same.  The only REAL downside to focusing on the book first is that I wont' be playing D&D again as soon. But, logic reminds, I don't have the free time in my schedule for both creation and play activities, so focus on story creating and writing.

Logical, right?

But the dice ... they call to me. :)

I COULD join a game hosted by someone else, minimize the time commitment, get my toes wet with D&D Next and focus MOST of my time on writing.   Would I lose much time playing in someone else's game?  Probably not.

Hmm ... it's worth a thought.

What would you advise?


  1. Because you are Libra, that's why it's hard for you! You are always looking for a balance... I am sure you'll find it, my love!

    I always loved this image of yours - such vibrant colors! Was it taken in the Writer's Retreat? So symbolic...

    1. It WAS taken at the writer's retreat, yes. :) Good memory. And yes, I'm sure I'll be fine with the balance ... I just need to stop thinking about it. ;)
